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Writer's pictureAmanda Jayapurna

Kaghati (Spring Quarter) | Week 1

Updated: Mar 27, 2021

(Class 01) Pre-Quarter Recap and Weekly Plan


Teaser WIP:

Animatic WIP (03/11):


checkpoint 1 (Tue 3/23):

- Have Spring Blog Setup with initial plan + proposal

- Composite Shot 05 and final export

- Composite Shot 02 and final export

- Figure out/Finalize the title credit illustration + animation

- Lighting render tests for Shot 28

- Set up shot 03 lighting file for Maansi to render final sequence

checkpoint 2 (Fri 3/26):

- Final Teaser ready for public release.

- includes shot 28 rendered, composited & final editing with music

- Wednesday 2pm - Meeting with Ivan about rendering Shot 20 pipeline

- Set up shot 24, 25, 27A lighting set files for Christian


checkpoint 1 (Tue 3/30):

- Run Sunday meeting 10:30am + give feedback

- Assign Ivan Shot 24 & 25 -- give feedback to any progress

- Lighting Progress on shot 10 (incremental still frame renders of sequence!)

- Communicate with Nate about setting up the Kite Rig set-dress file

checkpoint 2 (Fri 4/02):

- Set up final shot 10 lighting file for Maansi to render

- troubleshooting any issues that come up along the way

shot 28 lighting progress

shot 02 lighting (missing dust comp)

(Class 02) Progress Update

This week I worked on lighting Shot 28. This is a series of stills showing the lighting progression (did not realize the hair sim was missing when I rendered these!)

Feedback: Make the shadow casted from garage door more harsh -- I will be working on this over the weekend, my goal is to render a low-res sequence on saturday, then have the final file ready to hand off to maansi to render by sunday!

Update #2: I also worked on setting up the set files for shot 27 and shot 24!

Update #3:

Helped Maansi with fixing the geometry and render settings to fully render Shot03! (was a success!)

Additional Notes for Lookdev Tweaks:

- ask lorena to adjust specular roughness map on cheek (highlight is a little distracting)

- ask lorena to paint more of the 'hair strokes' into alya's head basecolor map to make it look more natural.

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