Class 5-6 was presentation week so I am resuming the blog at week 4!
I have decided that for time and efficiency sake to take on help from Steven Nelson for the creation of the exterior environment! He sent tests on procedural grass in wind over the weekend.
Class 7
Most Recent Animatic (09/03)
Having seen more recent shots all-together, it really made me see the continuity errors in lighting being especially present from around SH17-23. This is where I was attempting to transition from late afternoon to sunset, as well as the overhead lights turning on, which makes this so challenging. After I have every shot out as a render, I will pay closer attention to making this transition smoother.
SH29 (basically final)
- render in HD without kite texture flickering on green kite + comp
SH18 (Final after small notes!)
- fix the detached door hinge
- darken this gap between the door and wall to remove light spill
SH07 (Final!!)
rendered in HD, fixed xgen glitches and comped in flashing battery
SH26 (Final!!)
fixed xgen glitches
SH22 (Second pass light + comp)
- a little dark overall — bit too murky
SH15 (Second pass light + comp)
- make background more bright and glowy (will make overall look happier/warmer)
- reduce chair spec (distracting)
- window light looks like a flashlight right now--soften the shadows
brighten the girl’s face, she is still in shadow
SH21 (First pass lighting)
- This shot took so long to troubleshoot getting the xgen hair attachced
- light up the back wall much more to match the other shots
Class 8
SH31 (First pass but close to final!)
SH21 (relighting -- brightened up BG/grandpa)
SH18 - Final HD -- Addressed notes from last pass