Match to Live/CG Integration: Responsible for all aspects except model
Project 1 | CG Integration with complex shadows
Final Nuke Tree
Final photoset that I decided to use:
Shadow Plate
Cube for Aligning Ground Plane to Camera perspective
Grey ball for key-fill ratio
Chrome ball for HDRI information
Update 1 | 06 - 01 - 2021
Practicing the method we covered in class with a temporary BG Plate-- I plan on taking my own photos for this project over the weekend!
Update 2 | 11 - 01 - 2021
I checked out the light integration kit from monty and took photos today while there was good weather! Now I have to decide which one to use...
These have more of a focus on storytelling:
(fortune teller's room, something rolling off the edge of the staircase, a western version of Toy Story etc.)
These I just thought were pretty and liked the aspect of emphasizing depth of field:
Update 3 | 13 - 01 - 2021
Getting my double shadow working for the static ball image! I just finished animating the ball and will be comping in the image sequence tomorrow morning after it renders
Update 4 | 18 - 01 - 2021
Rough Animation Blocking pass of how the object will move through the space
Update 5 | 20 - 01 - 2021
Added a surface shader with a ground plane projection to get some more of the environment's bounce color into the beauty pass!
Also worked on lookdev-ing the model more--I added worn edges to where the wood would scrape against the floor and some pattern details to make the model a bit more interesting
Update 6 | 20 - 01 - 2021
A playblast for what I started working on, but I ran out of time to properly lookdev the ball to a point that would fit believably in the scene. I think it would be fun to finish this for the resubmit!
Project 2 | Reflection, Refraction, Translucency
Final Nuke Tree
Final photoset that I decided to use:
Shadow Plate
Cube for Aligning Ground Plane to Camera perspective
Grey ball for key-fill ratio
Chrome ball for HDRI information
Update 1 | 06 - 01 - 2021
Took some reference photos of the translucent materials -- I think i want to go buy candy after class today to take more photos though because these ones don't really give the rich bounce color that I'd like to get!
Update 2 | 18 - 01 - 2021
early experimental shaders just within maya (trying to lock down a base combination of specular + transmission settings)
Update 3 | 18 - 01 - 2021
creating the aiFacingRatio mask with a sphere as well for reference!
For my initial stages of this project,
Update 2 | 18 - 01 - 2021
getting all my layers into nuke and playing around with how each of them affect the overall look!
Update 1 | 06 - 01 - 2021